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Re: _INTRODUCTION_ to installing/using Wine?

On 09/26/2021 08:54 AM, piorunz wrote:
On 26/09/2021 14:42, Richard Owlett wrote:
I have not used any version of Windows since WinXP and have the AMD64
flavor of Debian 10.7 installed on the relevant machine.

I wish to do two things:
   1. Explore some text manipulation applications I used then
      (obviously 32 bit apps).
   2. Explore Bible study tools used by others at church
      (32 or 64 bit ???).

I have found references [1][2] suitable for addressing specific detailed
questions. I'm looking for introductory material -- especially such that
would cause me to think of questions I should consider before proceeding.

1. https://wiki.debian.org/Wine
2. https://www.winehq.org/
    Goes into much detail but does not have an "overview only" page.

After you install Wine (your reference materials covers that), simply
execute in terminal "wine name_of_your_exe" from the folder where .exe is.

That's all.

I *DOUBT* it as:
  1. I'm well past "three score and ten" ;}
  2. [1] explicitly states:
     > Users on a 64-bit system should make sure that both wine32
     > and wine64 (...) are installed ...

Careful reading of [1] and [2] {w/apologies to J. Caesar} suggests:
  " All .exe are divided into three flavors:
      1. pure 32 bit
      2. pure 64 bit
      3. pure hodgepodge

If something doesn't work, install required components using winetricks.
Simply install package winetricks, open it, and navigate graphically to
install .Net Frameworks, C++ redistributables and whatever else your
Windows app needs to operate.

Is not that paragraph sufficient justification for my question?


With kindest regards, Piotr.

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