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Re: Privacy and defamation of character on Debian public forums


On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 03:34:28PM -0400, rhkramer@gmail.com wrote:
> My question though is, can emails be deleted from the debian
> archive of the mailing list (and comments from the debian bug
> list?)?

I've seen spam emails deleted from the list archives and from bug
logs; there is even a link to report such. Also when there has been
abusive posting of people's personal information ("doxxing") and
other forms of off-topic trolling in bug reports I am sure I have
seen that be removed from the bug record.

So, the functionality exists to delete from the Debian-hosted side
of things certainly. I take the list FAQ entry to mean that for
practical purposes list postings can't be removed from all the
non-Debian places they will have been archived at.

I really don't know if the powers that be would be receptive to
deleting Chuck's bug though, since some of it was actually on-topic.


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