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Re: Bash script problem

On Thu, Aug 05, 2021 at 01:03:16PM -0700, Gary L. Roach wrote:
> First, the IFS command sets the string separator. The default values are
> space /n and one other. The / is not among them.

Yes, we know that.  The issue is that you are setting IFS for the
whole script, when you probably *should* be setting it only for a
single command.

Compare the following two blocks of commands:

read -ra array


IFS=/ read -ra array

The former is what *you* are doing.  This sets IFS permanently, for
the duration of the script or the current subshell (or function, if
you previously declared IFS to be local inside a function).

The latter is what we keep telling you to do.  You keep not doing it.

> Second, why am I separating out the Path the way I am doing? I need to check
> each level for existence then, if the level doesn't exist, create the
> directory, cd to the directory, [...]

Why can't you just mkdir -p the final directory?  This creates the
parent directories as needed.

> [...] set chown and -x chmod. After that check the
> next level and repeat the process until I run out of levels.

What do you mean by "-x chmod"?  A directory *needs* the +x permission bit
to be set in order to function properly.

mkdir -p "$dir"
touch "$file"

You're doing *way* too much work.  It's a gigantic X-Y problem.

> I want to use this .sh file to automatically set up the Amanda backup system

I don't know Amanda, so I can't help you with that part.

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