Re: A Grub Boot Question about initrd
Martin McCormick wrote:
> As an aside, one ought to be able to do something like
> this. It makes life a lot simpler. Both systems are using the
> same kernel and versions of the same processor the only real
> differences are the UUID's. The grub configurations of both are
> the same down to the serial console.
Uff, IMO too much writing for trivial problem. You are correct into some
extent. I did not understand exactly your use case (everything is the same
except the console)
I have cloned many installations. You are right if done with dd UUID is the
same - but this is perhaps not exactly what you want. I usually either boot
in rescue (initrd shell) or have a USB or Debian installation medium to
chroot and adjust some settings and finally execute install/update-grub.
Now with UEFI it is more likely you have a slightly different use case but
UUIDs are what they are.
If there is a utility to do it I am not aware of such, but at the end is it
really that much of work. I mean it boils down to the UEFI and/or boot
partition, cause the rest is usually set on an LVM which is autodetected.
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