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bash completion and spaces

Dear Colleagues,

I have an example app which can be run only as "app3 -h test1 -s foo" or
"app3 -h test2 -s bar". So I decided to provide it with a small manual
completion for convenience.

[vas@test2 ~]$ ./list.sh 
-h test1 -s foo
-h test2 -s bar
[vas@test2 ~]$ complete -C ./list.sh app3
[vas@test2 ~]$

The result however is discouraging, the completion mechanism won't add
whole lines of parameters, it's trying to split on spaces (here I press
<TAB> several times:

[vas@test2 ~]$ app3 -h -h -h test

Can you please give a hint how to make it complete "app3" with either
"-h test1 -s foo" or "-h test2 -s bar" as a whole?

I would not like to make all this too complicated, write complex
completion funcions if possible. A static (-W) completion would be even

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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