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Re: fsck error on boot: /dev/sda1: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY and Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary

On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 23:06:31 +0500 "Alexander V. Makartsev" <avbetev@gmail.com> wrote:
Partitions mounted with 'errors=remount-ro' option will be remounted as read-only automatically, if a kernel detects an error.
I suggest you to dig a little deeper, because there is a possibility a hardware problem is the source of inconsistency error.
You need to provide us with more information about your OS setup and hardware.
Output from these commands should be a good start:
    $ cat /etc/fstab
    $ sudo blkid
    $ sudo smartctl -iHA /dev/sda
    $ sudo smartctl -iHA /dev/sdb

"smartctl" is a tool from "smartmontools" package.
The output will be long, so you can post it at "https://paste.debian.net/"; with reasonable expiration date and send us just a link to it.

OK here comes the output:

Email : Robbi Nespu <robbinespu AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>
PGP fingerprint : D311 B5FF EEE6 0BE8 9C91 FA9E 0C81 FA30 3B3A 80BA
PGP key : https://keybase.io/robbinespu/pgp_keys.asc

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