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Re: How to self-load non-freeware firmware on existing netinst ISO installer

On Wed, 24 Feb 2021 16:07:09 +0000, Brian <ad44@cityscape.co.uk> wrote:
his is from memory; I haven't done it for some time.

1. The USB stick you boot from will have empty space or a secomd

There only one partition but there is lot of empty space

2. Extract the firmware files from the .deb and put them on the

It doesn't matter where I put right (on root location)? or need to have special directory?

3. Boot and change to console 2: ALT-F2.

4. Mount the partition holding the firmware on /mnt.

This is tricky part as I mentioned, I only have one partition. Where I can find my USB device location? try with `dh` command but that command not working/available

5. Create /lib/firmware: mkdir /lib/firmware and transfer the
   firmware there.

6. ALT-F1 to go back to d-i. d-i should now find the firmware.
You suggestion look like the most closest one, just need to find the perfect way how to accomplish it

Email : Robbi Nespu <robbinespu AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>
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