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Re: If some package have serious bug and fixed on unstable and testing release, how long it will be available on stable release?

On Fri, 29 Jan 2021 07:55:30 -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> So, your Subject as received by me, after I un-mangle it, reads something
> like this:
>  If some package have serious bug and fixed on
>  unstable and testing release, how long it will be available on stable
>  release?
Yes, this is the email title. Sorry for long title.

> The answer to this question is: however long it takes for the current
> testing to become stable.
If wait the current testing become stable and the current stable become old-stable. It will take very longer and the serious exploit wont be fix, if I take your sentence. It not what I understand and what I expect from Debian release since it recommend stable release for production.

> A fix to a bug in Debian 11 as testing will NEVER be backported into
> Debian 10 as stable.  A stable release is frozen in amber.  It only
> gets security fixes, or major bug fixes.  Not general bug fixes.

The CVE is major bug and need security fix if you read my sentence previous.

It mentioned here[1] "At any given time, there is one stable release of Debian, which has the support of the Debian security team. When a new stable version is released, the security team will usually cover the previous version for a year or so, while they also cover the new/current version. Only stable is recommended for production use."

If I understand, It mean Buster (the current stable release) has the support of Debian security team and previous version (which mean stretch release), here. I expecting the fix also should be apply on stable. Please correct me if I read it wrong.

1. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianReleases
Email: Robbi Nespu <robbinespu AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>
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