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rsync --delete

I've been using rsync to backup to a flash drive but it's not
performing exactly as I expected.

The man page says:
    --delete                delete extraneous files from dest dirs
A section of the backup script is so:
Params=(-a --inplace --delete);
cd /home/mike
[ ! -d $Flash/mike ] && mkdir $Flash/mike;

#   exclude compressed files and the contents of most of the .* directories
echo /usr/bin/rsync $Params --exclude-from=/home/mike/.rsync_exclude . $Flash/mike
/usr/bin/rsync $Params --exclude-from=/home/mike/.rsync_exclude . $Flash/mike ||
    echo rsync $Params --exclude-from=/home/mike/.rsync_exclude . $Flash/mike    Failed $? ;

    If I delete a file from my home directory then backup over last
week's copy the deleted file stays in the backup directory and these
build up over time.
    Am I misusing rsync or am I just not understanding how it works?

"First say to yourself what you would be;
    and then do what you have to do."
    - Epictetus

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