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Re: Cron Jobs and Time Zones Has Anything Changed?

This might be wrong, but as far as I understand doesn't systemd now have the ability to manage cron jobs (as well as mount points, home folders and other things)?. Is there anything in this newer functionality that might make such a thing (re the request at the beginning of this thread) possible? I'm currently learning how to manage these things with systemd rather than crontab and mount but still not quite up to speed with it, so may be overestimating the possiblities available.

  James B

Em Qua, 2 Dez ʼ20, às 13:53, Dan Ritter escreveu:
> Greg Wooledge wrote: 
> > On Wed, Dec 02, 2020 at 07:30:22AM -0600, Martin McCormick wrote:
> > > In a recent discussion, someone indicated that there might be a
> > > way to set individual parts such as accounts on a unix system so
> > > that cron could use another time zone if needed to kickoff jobs
> > > on that system based on the time in another country.
> > 
> It would not be ridiculous to run a wrapper program out of, e.g.
> cron.hourly, which used an explicitly set TZ as a cue to run
> another job.
> Interestingly, Red Hat and Ubuntu use cronie instead of Vixie's
> cron, and cronie supports a per-crontab CRON_TZ variable. cronie
> is not in Debian, but it could very likely be packaged easily.
> -dsr-

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