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Re: GTK can't load images

On 2020-11-11 at 17:57, mmDebMail2020@marwedels.de wrote:

> On Wednesday 11 November 2020 07:06:31 The Wanderer wrote:
>> At a glance, this doesn't look like it means the program thinks the
>> file isn't present, but that it thinks the file is in an invalid
>> format.
>> Have you confirmed that this file is in fact a valid PNG, and can
>> be opened and displayed correctly?
> data=data@entry=0x555555c9120c "\211PNG\r\n\032\n"

Where does this come from? I don't recognize it at a glance.

> I think is clearly png. Moreover ristrettro stopped to display all
> images I have tested so far.

I've never heard of 'ristrettro' before, and I don't find it mentioned
with 'apt-cache search'. A few of the Google results for that search
term look like they may be related, but don't seem helpful in finding
out what it actually is.

What I was thinking of as a way to confirm whether this is a PNG is to
A: first check e.g. the output of 'file' on the file, and then B: open
it in an image viewer which can handle PNGs and is known working, maybe
even one on a different computer.

>>  $ grep .-debug /etc/apt/sources.list
>>  #deb http://debug.mirrors.debian.org/debian-debug/ stable-debug main non-free contrib
> Thanks, I never knew about those repositories, this made debugging
> easier :)

They're a comparatively recent addition to Debian; the idea as I
understand it is to both split out the debug-symbols packages so that
people who don't care about them don't need to have them show up in
package searches, and make it practical to have such packages be
autogenerated for all relevant packages rather than only existing if the
maintainer set things up to specifically generate one.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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