RE: VirtualBox - vboxpci
-----Original Message-----
From: Klaus Jantzen []
Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2020 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: VirtualBox - vboxpci
On 9/6/20 12:27 PM, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:
> On 9/6/20 12:17 PM, Klaus Jantzen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to run VB 16.1.14 r140239 on my laptop under Debian Buster.
>> After sucessfully signing vboxdrv, vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp I
>> installed the extension package.
>> Now I have to additionally sign vboxpci.
>> However, this module was not installed. Where do I get it from?
> Hi,
> I use Virtualbox 6.1 on my computer without any problems.
> I don't understand what your problem is.
> I have added the following line to /etc/apt//sources.list
> deb buster contrib
> Kind regards
> Georgi
My problem is not the installation of VB.
After the installation I defined a Windows10-machine. When I start this machine VB indicates that the kernel driver ist not installed and recommends to run '/sbin/vboxconfig'.
vboxconfig request the signing of four modules, one of them is vboxpci.
And this module has not been installed.
So I wonder where I can find this module.
Suggest review:
Seems may be a motherboard capability or BIOS configuration issue?
(found by google vboxpci)
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