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Appears that the problem still remains with Debian Stretch 9.11.0 regarding WAN non-allocation ...

The Team Debian User,

My dear illustrious Team Leaders,

Good afternoon.

Apologise for returning to this following post 9 months later.

Solution: https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2019/10/msg00497.html
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2019 16:23:01 -0000 (UTC)

On extensive testing, it is found that wlan0 System Tray Icon of
Network Manager appears to be working and responding, but only
cosmetically. The Debian 9.11.0 OS (Synaptic) and applications like
Firefox, Chromium, etc., aren't able to use the internet only through

This non-availability of wlan0 was tested by removing the eth0 cable,
repeatedly. The WiFi Icon of the Network Manager responds to all kinds
of wifi network. Shows other wifi networks when they are switched ON
and in the vicinity. Switches OFF when WiFi network is switched OFF.

So the system is responding to the card's catching signals, and the
card is also catching signals.

But the system isn't able to use this network.

I have extensively posted the outputs for the same card, on various
OSes, especially while using Debian and Knoppix, in the following
Debian Forums Post:

Some notes on Broadcom Wireless chip BCM431*

Could you kindly check the issue please? Advise if any further
specific input is required from my end?

(Rajib Bandopadhyay)
A Debian and Knoppix user

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