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Debian 10.04.0 Root user password changed during the instalation

First of all, thankyou very much for your effort. You are helping many people, like me, to discover all the possibilities of the Linux operating system.

Nevertheless I have found a serious issue.

I'm installing your operating system on a virtual machine running on Windows 10. The virtualisation software that I use is Oracle's VM Virtualbox. I've dowloaded the .iso files (both the full installation, 3 DVDs, and the netinst versions) with identical results, using two different computers.

In all cases I have installed the virtual machine using the ISO, using standard options, one drive (plus swap), root password, and user password.

It install flawlessly the operating system, until I open the Konsole terminal and try to use the root privilegies.

First I get mad trying to make it works, unsuccessfully. Then I supposed that I've typed my password wrong, or an issue with my keyboard layout... to summarize it was my fault.

In order to avoid the same problem, I made another virtual machine, with identical results. I couldn't reach root (I had taken a photograph of my password and it was correct). The user could log in without any trouble.

I've tried to reset root password through GRUB, without success.

Finally I make it work by NOT assigning ANY password to root. Then my user is added to suddoers group (I suppose), and then I  assing root a  password with the order PASSWD.

I have been searching through the Internet, and it looks this issue started with Debian 9 distribution.

Hope this may help you to find and repair this annoying bug. For someone like me, who doesn't have any idea about linux this is a major problem.

Again thank you, and good luck looking for the gap.

Best regards,

José Ramón Sánchez Gómez

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