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Re: Useful links - was {Re: Wireless home LAN - WiFi vs Bluetooth?}

On 08/03/2019 09:53 AM, Lee wrote:
On 8/3/19, Richard Owlett <rowlett@cloud85.net> wrote:
On 07/29/2019 05:40 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
Sneakernet for file transfer has become annoying.
Ethernet is undesirable in my environment so I am only interested is
I have only a few machines a max of 6' apart.
My usage would typically be peer-to-peer but I want to communicate
between any two machines.
My web connectivity is via a T-Mobile WiFi Hotspot (WiFi turned off).
I run Debian 9.8.

I've just begun reading - primarily Wikipedia articles and some links
from them.  My primary question is "What should I be reading?" in order
to ask appropriate questions. Specificallty "What?" and "Why?" much more
than "Howto?".

A concern is security issues. Bluetooth, being short range, may thus
have an advantage. Speed is not an issue for my expected usage. (I was
one of my ISP's last 6 dial-up clients ;)


ON TOPIC references include:

Except you said security was an issue & I suspect it's going to be a
real pain making a secure ad-hoc wireless network.

For current situation WEP (though antique/limited) is adequate.

Why not just buy an inexpensive wireless router?

That question is *NOT* on-topic!

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