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Re: Stream m3u8 not supported by network music player


On Thu, Aug 01, 2019 at 09:25:53PM +0200, john doe wrote:
> I'm trying to follow the example of (1, 9.2.4. HTTP streaming) but I'm
> getting nowhere:
> "9.2.4. HTTP streaming
> Stream in HTTP :"
> "on the server, run :
> % vlc -vvv input_stream --sout
> '#standard{access=http,mux=ogg,url=server.example.org:8080}'
> •
> on the client(s), run :
> % vlc http://server.example.org:8080";
> Can someone confirm that the two commands  work for him/her?
> Any input is welcome.

First I'd like to suggest an alternative approach (got that link from

apt install mpd mpc

mpc add https://bcsecurelivehls-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/621275/1539097700001/master.m3u8

mpc play

Works for me for audio (it's a video stream, mpd can only do audio), no
X required (mpd depends on libpulse0, it pulls some X dependencies).
Does require reading /etc/mpd.conf and maybe changing it though.

Second, this starts an HTTP streaming server listening port 8080, all
IPv4 addresses (host's called buster):

cvlc 01-Demanufacture.flac --sout '#standard{access=http,mux=ogg,url='

This plays the file for me:

mpv http://buster:8080

So, something like this should work for you (assuming same host, run
these in different sessions):

cvlc https://bcsecurelivehls-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/621275/1539097700001/master.m3u8 \
 --sout '#standard{access=http,mux=ogg,url='

clvc http://localhost:8080


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