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Re: How to report bug

Am Montag, 25. November 2019, 20:07:56 CET schrieb Goran Delcev:

Hi Goran,


this bug is known since almost 2 years. I reported it in the list, sent a bugreport tzo powerdevil (and askeds the list, which package might be responsible for it), but got no solution. People told me, the kernel itself is the one, that controls all hibernation things. However, afaik there are other tools responsible, too (like laptop-mode, uswsuspm, tuxonice and others)

Hope, someone might helpö you.


Good luck and all the best



I have a bug to report. I have used reportbug tool, and the tool suggested to use this mailing list.

The bug is in that system is not waking up from "suspend to RAM". I get black screen and I have to do hardware reset. In log files there is nothing that could suggest what is wrong. Because I don't know in which package the bug is occurring I am writing to this list.


Goran Delcev

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