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Re: USB WIFI Adapters?

On 11/20/19, Henning Follmann <hfollmann@itcfollmann.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 08:50:33PM -0500, Optimus Primus wrote:
>> Could you send me a list or a link to a list of compatible USB WIFI
>> Adapters?
> Let me google that for you:
> https://wiki.debian.org/WiFi section "Availability of compatible WiFi
> chipsets"
> might be an excellent source of information.

Nice.. With several related threads having occurred in recent months,
maybe fellow Users have further supportive (or even refutative)
feedback for that page *if* they got their equipment to work.

So far, mine? Not so much. Will be giving it another shot in a couple
days. Just waiting on a delivery.

In the meantime, I'll be rereading that proffered wiki page a few more
times to better (cognitively) grasp its rather discouraging message.
Sounds like it wouldn't hurt for that page to be released out into a
wider audience for consumer-friendly advocacy purposes.

It's that part about things becoming LESS free instead of
traditionally more free as time goes on. That's garbage that makes it
feel like consumers are being deliberately strangled. It feels like
it's a new millennium twist on those old high school classroom chats
about product prices versus supply and demand.

This less free compatibility take is occurring just as more and more
technology *appears* to go wireless out of convenience k/t e.g. easier
portability instead of the alternative of carrying a wad of hardwires
AND THEN finding the limited number of available physical
communication connection [ports] when traveling. Companies know
they've got consumers by the [chipsets] right now..........

PS Devil's Advocate after already rereading some of that wiki page
again: I suppose... some of that increasing non-free issue is about
advances in new technology. That makes it just business as usual in
the same way that ever-evolving CPUs, etc, also challenge operating
system Developers.

In THAT case, it's now reminding me of how there are websites that
have been developed in such a way that consumers can only fully

If one pours hoards of dollars into a smart phone. As the old saying
goes... Well, isn't THAT convenient.... for all of the phone providers
incidentally receiving that phenomenal monetary boost as a result.

Cindy *Chevy Chase'ing off her soapbox now* :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with birdseed *

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