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Re: arch prefix in packages names.

So some packages with other arch cant be installed so there is
no need for dpkg to differentiate the name.

But i can install binutils-common in my system from many archs
so the suffix (thanks for the correction) helps to differentiate.



On 18/11/19 12:53 μ.μ., Reco wrote:

On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 12:35:56PM +0200, aprekates wrote:
Looking at dpkg -l output i noticed:

ii  binutils   2.31.1-16    amd64        GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities
ii  binutils-common:amd64      2.31.1-16  amd64        Common files for the GNU assembler, ..

why dpkg -l adds the :arch prefix in some package names and not in others?
If a package has "Multiarch: same" flag (binutils-common is one of
these) it means it can be installed several times with the different
dpkg shows such packages with architecture suffix (not _prefix_), to
help the user distinguish packages with the same name, but different
Packages that has "Multiarch: foreign" (i.e. architecture-independent
ones), or packages that lack Multiarch flag are shown without
architecture suffix.

"apt show" does not show Multiarch flag for some reason, but "dpkg -s"


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