On Tue, 22 Oct 2019 21:30:25 -0400,
Nicholas Geovanis wrote:
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On Tue, Oct 22, 2019, 6:29 PM Default User <hunguponcontent@gmail.com> wrote:
Guys, it seems like SystemRescueCD could be on the way out. Over 6 months since a release, and a quick glance at GitLab did not seem to show any commits since then either (but I could be wrong).
I have looked for a replacement utility distribution, but just can't seem to find anything good.
You don't like knoppix? Or a derivative of it? I won't claim they are feature equivalent, but can be made so IB.
If it is going to be abandonware, what then? Ideas?
I need something with zfs capabilities, I don't think knoppix has