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Re: cat and pipelines, mostly (was Re: Delete all after a pattern)

On Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 11:38:59AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> I don't think I'd prefer it, because it would mean I'd have to remember
> where I left the cursor last time rather than being able to just assume
> it will always be in a particular position, but I can see that being
> just a result of what I'm used to; I could see this being a better
> behavior in the large, if one got used to it first.
> (It seems as if would be kind of hard to implement, since you'd have to
> embed a cursor position per-line into the command history file, but
> that's another discussion.)
> I don't suppose you know of any shells which have that behavior, even as
> an option?
I am not aware of such a shell, though I have a vague recollection of an
IDE that included an interactive shell component that did something
similar.  However, that was ages ago and I don't even recall what
language the IDE was for.

> But much less, and certainly not with every pipeline command - whereas
> your suggested form, with punctuation at the end, means having to do it
> every time.

I'll agree to disagree here.

> Just because I only type the command once doesn't mean that I want to
> type a more complex command than I need to.
Whereas I'd rather front-load the complexity for the repeated benefit of
additional simplicity for every future occurrence.

> I'm not sure exactly what optimizations, or benefit, you're referring
> to. Aside from argument towards elegance, and possibly performance
> optimization of some form, I'm not sure I see any benefit of the forms
> you're suggesting.
To me, the benefit is in being able to quickly and unambiguously
separate "interesting" logic from "non-interesting" parts of the
command.  We obviously have different views on how this could be
beneficial or even what constitutes "interesting" vs. "non-interesting"

> But I don't have to spend any time on separating the two. The beginning
> of the command is where the input comes in; the end is where it goes
> out; everything else is functional.
> The form you provided that puts both at the end is complex and confusing
> enough that I can't parse it at a glance; doing so only takes me a
> second or two, but I do have to stop and do it, in what I suspect is
> much the same way you have to stop and separate out the functional from
> the input-handling in my preferred idiom.
> Again, there's nothing wrong with your approach. What I'm saying is that
> there's also nothing wrong with mine, and yet I get called out for using
> (or even suggesting) it, for what as far as I can tell are purely
> historical reasons.
In my case I have trained myself to quickly parse the form I described.
Those extra characters and constructs, which some might argue are visual
clutter, are to me clean separators between the parts I can safely
ignore and the parts where I should focus my effort.

In any event, I agree that there is nothing inherently wrong with your
approach, though I would find it more difficult to effectively reason
about the start of the "interesting" part of a command in your preferred

> I disagree that the way the alternatives described accomplish that task
> is better.
> (Most of them, anyway. Teemu's suggestion seems obviously superior, at
> least at a glance, and I may well adopt it going forward.)
Yeah, I have to say that I'm not really sure I knew that could be done.

> I could try to break apart and analyze my reasons at length, but I kind
> of doubt that the result would be all that productive.
It might not be for us, but you may find it useful to do that for

> > 
> > The same effect could have been achieved by making the first line a
> > '(' and the last as ')' for the subshell enclosure.
> That's an interesting thought. I'll try to keep it in mind for the next
> time I'm doing something like that.

Another benefit of the subshell is that variables set within the
subshell automatically go out of scope when the subshell terminates.
For instances where I have to set lots of environment variables and I
don't want to have to clean them up manually after, the subshell is a
nice way to make sure my existing environment stays clean.

> I can see the argument for clutter, but for my purposes, the extra
> syntax of the forms you've suggested are even more clutter and make the
> result even harder to read, thereby making it even harder to quickly
> discern what is really happening.
> I suspect that this just boils down to minds working differently.
True.  Over time my thoughts on what constitutes clutter, easy to read
code in various languages, etc. has changed.  Looking back over old code
that I've written years ago is a real treat.

I have actually found myself saying things like, 'what moron wrote this
garbage?!?!'  Then looking at the git history to find that the moron was
me a few years ago :-)



Roberto C. Sánchez

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