How can I force a particular startup hdmi mode on Raspian/Buster?
I'm posting a Pi question to this list because I believe I need a Debian
answer. The Raspian answers have been failing me - see
for the details.
Raspian uses a /boot/config.txt file to control video modes but this is
failing in my case. It refuses to output 1080i unless I set that mode
from the command line. However, when I do that, I lose the ability to
adjust the overscan that the config.txt provides. Without that ability,
I lose a lot of the desktop, including the task/menu bar.
I believe I should be able to deal with this by using xorg.conf and/or
xrandr settings but it's been a long time since I've had to deal with
that. Can anyone point me to some good, up to date, how to for setting a
display to 1080i with overscan adjustments?
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