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memory fault after "cd xxx"

I get a "memory fault" after doing "cd" to a given directory. Here is the command sequencet:

   PFR2 /d11a/pfr2-bak/lib->>cd  i386-linux-gnu/
   Memory fault
   -ksh: line 408: 7567: Memory fault
   Memory fault
   PFR2 /d11a/pfr2-bak/lib/i386-linux-gnu->>free -m
   Memory fault
   PFR2 /d11a/pfr2-bak/lib/i386-linux-gnu->>cd ..
   -ksh: line 325: 7574: Memory fault
   Memory fault
   Memory fault
   PFR2 /d11a/pfr2-bak/lib->>free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           3125         372        1668          24        1084        2365
Swap:          1128           0        1128
PFR2 /d11a/pfr2-bak/lib->>

I don't have this problem with any other directory
After a fsck on the corresponding partition, the same error occurs.

Can anybody explain that?

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

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