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how to use systemd to delete old files and directories on stretch?

My reading of the man page for tmpfiles.d suggests that if I edit the file
/etc/tmpfiles.d/tmp.conf so that it contains the line:

d /tmp 1777 root root 35d

then files in /tmp will be deleted after 35 days.

However, that isn't happening; I see for example:

drwxr-xr-x  18 n7dr n7dr        4096 May 13 07:42 Images-190513
drwxr-xr-x  18 n7dr n7dr        4096 May 13 07:47 Images-190514

in the output from "ls -alt /tmp": those directories were created more than 35
days ago.

So apparently I am misunderstanding how this works. Perhaps when the man page
says "file" it's not including directories. Anyway, whatever the reason, it's
clearly not doing what I want, which is to remove all files and directories
with names of the form "/tmp/<something>" that are more than 35 days old. Can
someone enlighten me as to the correct command to do this?


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