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A few questions (buster and presentation)


Just a few questions for clarity.

There are 3 main ways to install packages,  I have tried to explain this
in the presentation as

Apt - 1.8.0 - command line tool (universal)
Gnome-packagekit - used for gnome desktop environment
Synaptic - 0.84.5 used for most other Desktop Environment(s)

I understand that KDE is going to be using Wayland too (Wayland
website), does this mean it will use synaptic or does KDE and use its
own package manager?  versions quoted above are the versions that come
with Debian 10.

I want to focus this on the default Buster options and make passing
mentions to other desktop environments.

What version of Xorg comes with Buster or more to the point how to I
query this directly.  for apt it is apt -v but xorg is different as it
is mutiple components.



Paul Sutton
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