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Re: BTRFS snapshot space consumption (was: New laptop: need advice on choice...)

Peter Wiersig <peter@friesenpeter.de> writes:
> I would be pissed if my OS removes snapshots I might or might not need
> in the future.  That's a release critical bug in my eyes.  Yeah, I know
> Microsoft and Apple do that automatically if your capacity runs out, but
> that's also why I don't recommend them at all.

Ok, I checked https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Snapper and they do support
LVM and ext4, and they have a bullet of auto-removing old snapshots.  I
hope they did it right, perhaps I need to make a new test drive with the
latest release.

Snapshots on ZFS can't be zero cost, so you need to account for them
there, too.


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