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Re: date(1) in stretch and buster

Cindy-Sue Causey, on 2019-04-08 :
> Found this over at Tecmint:
> https://www.tecmint.com/set-system-locales-in-linux/
> locale -k LC_TIME
> Very coo AND further implies *WHAT ELSE can that little puppy do*, but
> my brain's already cognitively sundowning so am passing the baton on
> for someone who can run that full distance. :)

Good Day Cindy,

Basically you can tune these variables to build your own
"standard" format for everything related localized information:
- language,
- numeric separators,
- time format,
- sorting order, there is a big warning about this in sort(1),
- monetary symbol,
- etc.

On the other hand, the C lang is a quite convenient setting when
you wish your systems to behave consistently whatever the
localisation of the machine is, whatever the policy of the
country about its standards is; see the move from one standard
to the next between the two versions of Debian spotted by Reco.
C.UTF-8 landed a few Debian versions earlier to give an "Unicode
aware" variant of this behaviour.

See locale(1), locale(5), and eventually locale(7), if you are
interested in the topic.  :)

Kind Regards,
Étienne Mollier <etienne.mollier@mailoo.org>

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