On 3/14/19 10:35 AM, David Wright wrote:
On Wed 13 Mar 2019 at 23:19:09 (-0400), Gene Heskett wrote:On Wednesday 13 March 2019 22:19:37 David wrote:On Thu, 14 Mar 2019 at 08:24, <rhkramer@gmail.com> wrote:On Wednesday, March 13, 2019 04:51:57 PM deb wrote:* they sleep with Microsoft of E-E-E fame.Ok, I'll bite -- what is E-E-E?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguishTo further clarify, they buy (the Embrace) then Extend both it and their OS in incompatible ways so everyone has to buy the new version, and when that very predictably fails to generate the sales surge they were expecting, they discontinue it, thereby Extinguishing the competition. Worked well thru the 90's and 2000's but not being done quite so obviously now.Less by Microsoft, and perhaps less by Walmart nowadays, but the tradition is continued by the likes of Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc. while any idea of government regulation is branded as "socialist". Cheers, David.
[OT]! [OT] is what I as after as a subject predecessor :-) I guess I do not see Microsoft doing this less in 2019.It just has changed from one product [WordPro, Lotus 1-2-3; Spinrite; dBase Netscape] to entire infrastructures.
e.g.Microsoft is "open sourcing" Windows Calculator and inviting open source developers (for free) to:
* improve the tool * "Learn the Microsoft development Way". BUT THEY WILL STILL MAKE Money on Windows 10 that uses calculator.Microsoft buys their way into Linux Foundation as "advisors". Into Canonical, etc. When they pay their million dollar fees; they exercise much more influence on Linux than a company calling "Linux a Cancer" should.
An while Microsoft has opened all of their patents to Linux; they are STILL suing companies using Linux (and Android) through proxy companies; claiming payments are still due on these patents.
I think that Microsoft is just playing the open source community; until Microsoft can control that too.
I live this.For folks whose knee-jerk response is to say "prove that","show that", "show me" -- see https://startpage.com