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Re: How to get a clean situation for nvidia drivers

On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 12:55:40 +0100
Andrea Borgia <andrea@borgia.bo.it> wrote:

Hello Andrea,

>Yup, my bad: I assumed that the package still had a reason to be
>installed. It might have been a mistake or a requirement of an earlier

The probable reason is that you've got the video drivers metapackage
(exact name escapes me ATM) installed.  As a result, all drivers, whether
needed or not, are installed.

Unless disk space is at a premium, you may as well leave them all in
place.  If nothing else, should you need to change your GFX card in
future, no matter from what manufacturer it comes, the drivers will most
likely already be in place.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
I'm doubling the rent 'coz the building's condemned
Let's Lynch The Landlord - Dead Kennedys

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