roundcube installer web helper problem
I'm having a bit of bother configuring roundcube on buster
I've installed roundcube before from sources and has been ok for a few
years but now is something a bit wrong so I install with apt.
on the installer web page step 2 there is the message
"Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in
/usr/share/roundcube/installer/config.php on line 205
Log errors
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in
/usr/share/roundcube/installer/config.php on line 208
Print errors (to the browser)"
I guess that is a real error message.
205 echo $check_debug->show(($value & 1) ? 1 : 0 , array('value' => 1,
'id' => 'cfgdebug1'));
206 echo '<label for="cfgdebug1">Log errors</label><br />';
208 echo $check_debug->show(($value & 4) ? 4 : 0, array('value' => 4,
'id' => 'cfgdebug4'));
when click create config button there is no text in the code box and
says cannot write config file which is writable by the www-data and the
temp and log directories are OK to write to according to installer web
I guess there should be a number there instead of the ? but I don't know
what it should be.
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