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Re: Upgrade Problem

On Fri, Jan 04, 2019 at 05:04:49PM -0500, songbird wrote:
Roberto C  Sánchez wrote:
It might also indicate files that exist (i.e., occupy blocks) without
having directory entries.  For example, this is the case when a program
creates a temporary file, gets the descritor back from the syscall, then
immediatley calls unlink on it.  The file descriptor is still active and
the file can be written/read with the descriptor reference, but the file
cannot be seen with 'ls' and, as I recall, it will not show up in the
calculation made by 'du'.  The calculation made by 'df' will still be
accurate, though.

 wouldn't fsck clean that up?

not if the program is still running; it's not an error condition. the only case where fsck would help is if the whole machine crashed.

the traditional gotcha for "nonexistent file taking up space" is something generating a large log file, when someone tries to free the space by deleting the file. if the program writing it is still running, the file is gone but the space won't be freed until the program lets go of the file. lsof has a "deleted" indicator which can identify this.

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