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Re: Installing package *NOT* in repository

On 08/17/2018 06:31 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
On Friday 17 August 2018 05:29:07 Vincent Lefevre wrote:

On 2018-08-13 09:38:48 -0300, Samuel Henrique wrote:
If you pass a file as parameter to apt install, like:
apt install ./package.deb
It will work, at least on buster.

And the "./" is important, otherwise it will not work (until now,
for this reason, I didn't know that passing a file was supported).
I don't know the exact rule, but it seems that the pathname needs
to start with either "/", "./" or "../".

The effect is where the search for the given file is anchored
just a plain filename is assumed to be someplace in the $PATH
/ means its in the root directory
./ means its in the current directory the shell is cd'd to
../ means its one directory level above the currently cd'd to directory

Can an absolute path [/home/richard/mydebs/aname.deb] be given?

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