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Re: What's the deal with the mpfr versioning? libmpfr4 vs. libmpfr6

On Tue 31 Jul 2018 at 00:37:38 (+0200), Anders Andersson wrote:
> I just noticed that there are two packages for libmpfr:
> https://packages.debian.org/sid/libmpfr4
> https://packages.debian.org/sid/libmpfr6
> Funny thing is, this is what the versioning says on those pages:
> Package: libmpfr4 (3.1.6-1)
> Package: libmpfr6 (4.0.1-1)
> ...ok, that's strange. Even weirder, they are both built from the same
> sources: mpfr-4.0.1-1.
> I feel like I'm missing something. For example, what does the
> "3.1.6-1" mean in libmpfr4? I assumed it was the underlying version
> but it can't be if it's built from the 4.0.1 sources?
> And why libmpfr6 when it's actually version 4 (there's no version 6 of mpfr).

The numbers in parentheses are the Debian versions of the package.
That's how apt would upgrade a package if a bug was fixed within it.
They're not related to the upstream version.

The two packages have different names, I would guess, so that you
can install both on the same system. You can't install two packages
with the same name.

As for the "6", I'm guessing that they chose that because the library
version (yes, another versioning sequence) is 6.0.1 as opposed to 4.1.5.


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