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Re: Install or build an older gcc/g++ on new Debian (GCC backport)


On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 05:57:59PM +0000, Bas Ali wrote:
> Hi,
> Just to need help for what concerning to build or/and install an older GCC on a new Debian Distro (e.g 8.8 or 9.3)
> The goal is to be able to compile and build binaries on the New Debian with an older GCC to keep backcompatibility of binaries program previously built on Debian 7 (32bits Wheezy)  using the built-in GCC (4.7.2). Ideally the two binaries built from a Debian 7 32bits and from Debian 8 64bits will be the same byte a byte. 

That could be much more complex than using old GCC.
These guys - [1] - are trying to solve much easier problem - and they
aren't there yet.

> At this moment I know that it possible (but maybe not the good solution ?) to build a 4.7.2 GCC source with the Built-in GCC of a Debian 8.8 (64bits Jessie) but it appears that for > 4.5 GCC there is a need to build too other packages (MPC, MPFR,..) separately (using some option to built on good directory).

Being lazy, I solve such problems with good old chroot.
I mean, why go into all this trouble by compiling a toolchain from the
source if someone did it already.

You need something built for Debian 7 i386? Make a chroot of Debian 7
i386 and build you binaries there.

Making chroot by hand sounds too complex? Use LXC, they have a nice easy
way to set up pretty much any major Linux distribution in a container.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds


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