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Re: Wheezy to Stretch

On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 05:45:51PM +0000, Kleene, Steven (kleenesj) wrote:
> With sysvinit, I would set initdefault to runlevel 3
> in /etc/inittab.  In /etc/rc3.d, I would rename gdm3 so that I would boot
> into a terminal interface (command line) instead of Gnome.  Then I would
> quickly install fvwm, call startx, and happily finish building.
> I know systemd doesn't have inittab.  Will the default installation leave me
> with a terminal interface whenever I boot?  If not, how will I accomplish
> that?

Systemd does not have runlevels, but it is being developed primarily
by and for Red Hat systems, and therefore it *mimics* the Red Hat
runlevels remarkably.

Instead of runlevels, systemd has a "default target", which is the set
of services that should be brought up at boot time.  Which is basically
a runlevel by a different name.

The default target of systemd in Debian is "graphical.target", which
means that if you have installed a Display Manager (gdm3, lightdm,
etc.) it will be started at boot time.

If you don't want that, the other default target you can use is
named "multi-user.target".  This one will not run a Display Manager.

You can check your default target by running "systemctl get-default".

You can set your default target by running "systemctl set-default foo".

If you simply want to boot *once* into multi-user.target without
changing the default target, you can edit the kernel command line
and add the option "systemd.unit=multi-user.target".

Which is a whole lot more typing than adding the option "2" used to
be, but is otherwise almost 100% equivalent.

Another way you can achieve the goal of "not booting into a Display
Manager" is to remove your Display Manager package.  You can always
add it back later.

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