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Stretch net install on EeePC - unable to resolve mirror host address

I am trying to net install stretch i386 on an EeePC using a wired connection. I chose my ISP as the mirror, but the installation hangs on "Configure the packet management tool (APT)" [french text reads "Configurer l'outil de gestion des paquets (APT)"].

I checked on my regular box that stretch i386 is available at debian.proxad.net

 rprice@maria ~ wget --no-verbose
   http://debian.proxad.net/debian/dists/stretch/Release -O - | grep -E
 Suite: stable
 Codename: stretch
 Architectures: amd64 arm64 armel armhf i386 mips mips64el mipsel ppc64el s390x

but on the EeePC with Ctl-Alt-F3 I get

 ~ # wget --no-verbose
   http://debian.proxad.net/debian/dists/stretch/Release -O - | grep -E
 wget: unable to resolve host address 'debian.proxad.net'

Command « ip address » shows that the EeePC has been assigned the correct IP address, and /etc/resolv.conf correctly points to the router as the DNS resolver:

 ~ # cat /etc/resolv.conf
 search rogerprice.org

I am using the same router and the same name server to post this message. Any suggestion or hint for fixing the installation would be most welcome,


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