systemd 237-1: problem starting dnsmasq
Dear list,
after the systemd upgrade from 236-3 to 237-1 (Debian sid) the dnsmasq
service does not start correctly.
Jan 31 20:58:11 debiansid systemd[1]: Starting dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server...
-- Subject: Unit dnsmasq.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit dnsmasq.service has begun starting up.
Jan 31 20:58:11 debiansid dnsmasq[1062]: dnsmasq: syntax check OK.
Jan 31 20:58:11 debiansid dnsmasq[1067]: started, version 2.78 cachesize 150
Jan 31 20:58:11 debiansid dnsmasq[1067]: DNS service limited to local subnets
Jan 31 20:58:11 debiansid dnsmasq[1067]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP
conntrack ipset auth DNSSEC l
Jan 31 20:58:11 debiansid dnsmasq[1067]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Jan 31 20:58:11 debiansid dnsmasq[1067]: using nameserver
Jan 31 20:58:11 debiansid dnsmasq[1067]: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
Jan 31 20:58:11 debiansid systemd[1]: dnsmasq.service: Permission denied while opening PID file or unsafe symlink chain:
Jan 31 20:59:41 debiansid systemd[1]: dnsmasq.service: Start-post operation timed out. Stopping.
Jan 31 20:59:41 debiansid dnsmasq[1067]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Jan 31 20:59:41 debiansid systemd[1]: dnsmasq.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
Jan 31 20:59:41 debiansid systemd[1]: Failed to start dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server.
-- Subject: Unit dnsmasq.service has failed
Can someone verify this?
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