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Re: Emacs info documentation missing in Debian Unstable

On Mon, 22 Jan 2018, Nishan Singh Mann wrote:

Hello, on Ubuntu 17.10 which to my knowledge is based on Debian
unstable, installing Emacs via $sudo apt install emacs and then
trying to view the Emacs manual using C-h r fails with error "Info
file emacs does not exist" The same set of instructions on Ubuntu
16.04 works and one ends up with a local copy of the GNU emacs
manual. Did the documentation get delegated to another package or am
I missing something?  Thanks, Nishan

A little web-searching shows that someone with usernames not
dissimilar to yours has recently asked this question in other fora,
and received terse answers similar to the ones posted here thus

Below is an attempted ELI5 (explain-like-I'm-5-years-old answer).

Caveat 1: This is the debian-user list. You say you are using Ubuntu,
not debian, so you really would have done better to pursue this
question on an Ubuntu forum/list. It has been many years since I ran
Ubuntu, and make no claims to know best ubuntu-practice.

Caveat 2: You don't mention what emacs version you are using. I will
assume you are using emacs24.

First I will describe what I do, as a debian user, to install emacs
documentation. This will answer the question implicit in your subject
line, which is not identical to the question you pose in your message

Then I will discuss what little I know (or believe I know) about
translating that workflow to ubuntu.


In /etc/apt/sources.list, I have an entry that normally looks like

 deb http://debian.univ-lorraine.fr/debian/ stretch main


 * a TYPE (deb)
 * a URI (http://...)
 * a SUITE (stretch)
 * and one or more COMPONENTS (main)

When I want to install the emacs documentation, I just append
"non-free" to the components on that line, changing the line above to…

 deb http://debian.univ-lorraine.fr/debian/ stretch main non-free

…and then I run

 # apt-get update

so that my local package lists are updated to include the non-free
packages on offer from the repository referenced by that line in

Then I install the emacs documentation with

 # apt-get install emacs24-common-non-dfsg

(or whatever package contains the docs for my emacs version).

After installing the full emacs documentation, I usually edit my
sources.list once again, to remove the "non-free" component, since
installing emacs documentation is the only time I require non-free


As I recall, Ubuntu names its components somewhat differently; I don't
believe it has a component named "non-free". So some translation is
required to apply the workflow above to an Ubuntu system. It is my
understanding that the Ubuntu's emacs24-common-non-dfsg package is in
the "universe" component.

So I expect that substituting "universe" for "non-free" in the
workflow above, would do what you want.

I hope this helps. Good luck.


1. For example: https://askubuntu.com/questions/998527/emacs-info-manual-missing-in-ubuntu-17-10

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