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Re: does elinks have a show hidden links option?

On Tue 12 Dec 2017 at 21:36:53 (-0500), Karen Lewellen wrote:
…a Subject line.

Would putting    document.browse.links.numbering 1
into the configuration file help? Presumably it would either
reveal the link by numbering it or there would be a gap in the
numbering. I don't know of an equivalent command to Lynx's "l".

> […] come to think of it, does elinks have a
> way to change  the character set display?

It appears to follow your locale, so the only way I can think of
as a workaround is to set some consoles to different locales.
Fortunately in linux you can run multiple instances of the same
program handling the same files, so you could browse a single
document in multiple languages from multiple consoles.

It gets more complicated if the target of the browsers is, say,
a bank, and you're trying to carry out a transaction, but it
should work for just browsing.

I'm assuming elinks still doesn't handle Unicode well.


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