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Re: open on nfs server -> resource temporarily unavailable


On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 07:19:42AM +0100, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> > my system on the server and the client computes is the same Debian 8.5
> Were you ever able to narrow down the issue? I'm able to reproduce the issue
> easily as well just on localhost doing the following on a Debian 8, running
> 3.16.43-2+deb8u5 or 3.16.48-1, but the issue seems disapeared (or at least
> harder to reproduce in 4.9, when installed from jessie-backports):
> Sort of "minimal" reproducing steps:
> # apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
> # mkdir -p /srv/test
> # echo '/srv/test *' >> /etc/exports
> # systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server.service
> # mount localhost:/srv/test /mnt
> 1. terminal
> # while : ; do date >/srv/test/foo ; sleep 1 ; done
> 2. terminal
> # while : ; do cat /mnt/foo ; sleep 1 ; done
> I'm currently trying to bisect the issue. But since in the good cases it's not
> clear if it's always fixed I can only guess at the moment that the 4.9 claim is
> true.
> Were you sucessful on isolating the issue?

Unless done mistakes, trying to bisect the issue leads to that v3.17
is broken, v3.18 fixed the issue. Further bisecting between v3.17 and
v3.18 seem to indicate the "fixing" commit is 

(and possibly the other prerequisites up to that).


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