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Re: Install on hp-pavilion-g6-2100 stops at 98%

Le 04/09/2017 à 14:05, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :

I don't understand some things you wrote, so I'll mark this items by a question mark…

I formated the USB as FAT32 in my iMac

This would be a preparation for a method that works by unpacking.


I downloaded the firmware version firmware-9.1.0-amd64-netinst.iso

This could have been the decisive trick. Laptop and the need for
non-free firmware are a known combination.


sudo cp firmware-9.1.0-amd64-netinst.iso /dev/disk1

You copy to the device file, not to the mount directory. At least on
GNU/Linux this is like "dd". On MacOS it might differ but it will not
put the ISO as file into the FAT32 fileystem and not unpack the ISO
into the FAT32 filesystem.

I expect that now your self-made FAT32 is gone from the USB stick,
because the partition table was overwritten by the ISO.
Nevertheless, there is again a FAT filesystem, which contains initial EFI
boot equipment of the ISO.


"The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer."
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk1

Looks like you slightly confused the operating system.
One should unmount the filesystem before overwriting it, not afterwards.

My bad. I forgot that before the cp command I unmonted de disk. The system saw it after that the command ends and asks what to do with the stranger

Then all went well. But not the resolution.
So after a little Googling I found this

Indeed a firmware issue then. But not solved by the non-free firmware ISO.
Maybe one should file a bug towards that ISO ?

I don't know what to say. I believe that it must be a myriad of firmwares

https://wiki.debian.org/Firmware could need an update about Debian 9
and a hint what package is in charge of bugs.

I assume that after equipping your Debian 9 "stretch" with
/etc/apt/sources.list content for Debian 8 "jessie", you have to expect

I forgot to tell that I omited this jessie part. I only did
apt-get update
apt-get install firmware-realtek
apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree

Better return to the original state of that file now.
(If you are in trouble already, better repeat the installation and
  take care to use that "jessie" repository only for getting the firmware,
  and only if you cannot get it from a "stretch" repository.)

I wonder, though, how you could execute apt-get when your installation
did not finish.
Is there some step missing, e.g. how to get to a shell prompt of the
incompletely installed system ?

Sure thing. I spend all my weekend in a fierce battle with this monster and I was near (a couple of times) of giving up.

Whatever: Welcome, fellow Debian user.

Yes, you can call me that now!

Thanks for your answers


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