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Re: How to >>COMPLETELY<< remove an application?

On 3/8/2017 4:53 PM, Jimmy Johnson wrote:

Hi Richard,

First, unless you are using something older than Jessie you can
use apt as in #apt update or #apt purge, apt-get is no longer

I am using Jessie, 8.6.0 with MATE Desktop.
Due to bandwidth limitations, I install strictly from purchased DVD sets.
That has some obvious drawbacks but it does meet my needs.

Your next paragraph suggests you have missed some long term background. I have been trying to learn to use debootstrap and/or multistrap for a personal very minimal Debian install. I came across grml-debootstrap which is designed to simply using debootstrap. It works when using the Debian online repository. I can't get it to work properly using its option to use a local CD/DVD as the repository. I believed I had isolated the source of the problem, a configuration file and its associated script. To capture information for filing an upstream bug report, I wanted to start from a known condition by uninstalling grml-debootstrap and reinstalling, exactly duplicating original conditions.

I had done the uninstall using Synaptic's "Mark for complete removal" option. After using Synaptic to re-install, I was not able to reproduce some of my
early results. That lead to my question in this thread.

Frank replied that my method was essentially correct and suggested I
also verify that some files in my home directory. I found no problems there.

About the same time Cindy-Sue said her preferred procedure was using both "apt-get autoremove" and "apt-get purge" for package removal. That led me to review the apt-get man page. That led me to the tools for cleaning the cache.

That led to running "apt-get clean" and "apt-get autoremove". The effect on
test runs of grml-debootstrap is unclear at the moment.

I have a (hopefully) unrelated failure on that machine. I now have to run
starx on each reboot.

Thanks all for your time.

Second, there is a command line package named "upgrade-system"
that uses apt and deborphan, it will update, upgrade, autoremove
and check for orphaned packages with the one command. On a Stable
system let 'upgrade-system' have it's way, it's safe and will
remove your crud, but on testing and Sid check what packages it's
going to remove just like you would with any other package
manager and if your not sure use 'gtkorphan' so you can see what
you're doing.

So you could #apt purge 'package name' && upgrade-system
All done.


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