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Re: httpredir.debian.org versus deb.debian.org

On 1/31/17, Cindy-Sue Causey <butterflybytes@gmail.com> wrote:
> THIS WEEK aka two days ago, this is Stretch's tweak (k/t developers again):
> deb http://deb.debian.org/debian stretch main
> That's it. That's all I know on that. I may be remembering wrong on
> this, too, but it SEEMS LIKE I saw some chatter about https (vs
> http://) a while back. Haven't seen that reflected anywhere as a
> default, though.

Yeah, using https is probably wise, but it does add some complexity
(i.e. more possibilities for things to break.)

httpredir.debian.org is another (older, I think) "universal" mirror
server.  Like deb.debian.org it tries to redirect you to the fastest
mirror site possible.  The front page on deb.debian.org indicates it's
probably better optimized than httpredir for current testing/unstable
users, but I was wondering whether the same held for stable.

> For now, that's also "it", all of "it", that is in my
> /etc/apt/sources.list. The EXTREMELY rare times I ever have to step
> outside that, I still don't change that. I go through the pain of
> manually wget'ing (wget -c) the dotDeb archives I need then I use dpkg
> to install.

It'd probably also be wise to include security updates ("deb
http://deb.debian.org/debian-security stretch/updates main"), but it's
your call.

> Keeping a one-liner sources.list is just my (very stubborn) thing
> here. There's no "mucking around" through a bunch of lines in that
> file so it's very *cognitively friendly*. The additional payoff is
> that you learn a little more under the hood that you might not
> experience otherwise when you go that route. *grin*

I fully support learning about what's under the hood.  That's what
free software is all about. :)


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