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Re: GRUB and boot partition

Le 26/12/2017 à 13:58, Reco a écrit :
On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 11:59:18AM +0100, tomas@tuxteam.de wrote:

Is there any inherent advantage to having /boot encrypted?

The only things which might help against an evil maid attack [1] are:
secure boot (tying your bootable to secure firmware) [3],

Restricted Boot (let's call the thing the way it should be called from
the start) could've solve this problem *if* it would be possible to
force it to verify the bootloader (or the kernel) signed with *user*

I read that some UEFI implementations allow the user to manage secure boot keys. Carefully choose your hardware.

Oh, by the way I forgot twice to mention another situation when an encrypted /boot would provide an advantage : when the machine has a platform firwmare which supports LUKS encryption, such as CoreBoot, then the on-disk boot components could be entirely encrypted.

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