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Re: Re: Prevent apt/dpkg from automatically enabling services during the upgrade process.

On Tue, 3 Oct 2017, cabezachumbo@gmail.com wrote:

I guess that the script prevents from enabling currently disabled services.
One more thing, what should I do if I also want that after installing a new
service with "apt install service" it doesn't get enabled automatically in the
installation process?

$ man -k systemd.preset
systemd.preset (5)   - Service enablement presets

$ man systemd.preset
|   Preset files may be used to encode policy which units shall be
|   enabled by default and which ones shall be disabled. They are read
|   by systemctl preset (for more information see systemctl(1)) which
|   uses this information to enable or disable a unit according to
|   preset policy.  systemctl preset is used by the post install
|   scriptlets of RPM packages (or other OS package formats), to
|   enable/disable specific units by default on package installation,
|   enforcing distribution, spin or administrator preset policy. This
|   allows choosing a certain set of units to be enabled/disabled even
|   before installing the actual package.
|  Example 3. Administrator policy /etc/systemd/system-preset/00-lennart.preset:

|      enable httpd.service
|      enable sshd.service
|      enable postfix.service
|      disable *

|  This enables three specific services and disables all others. This is
|  useful for administrators to specifically select the units to enable,
|  and disable all others. Due to the filename prefix "00-" it will be
|  read early and hence overrides all other preset policy files.

The thread is from early October, and presumably the OP has resolved
the issue to their satisfaction. But it was not until today that I
stumbled across the systemd.preset man page, and noticed that it seems
to be saying "Hello, I am the solution to that very problem".

Maybe it will be of interest to somebody.

That is all.

Thank you very much Reco.
[Reco wrote:]
It's a hack, but it should work. Create an executable file called
/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d with the following contents:

/bin/systemctl --quiet is-enabled $1 && exit 0
echo All rc operations are disabled by policy: $1 $2
exit 101


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