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Re: The mess of package names

Gary Roach <gary719_list1@verizon.net> writes:

> Hi all,
> While this may seem to be a bit off topic, I feel that I may get
> answers faster here than any where else. This problem applies to
> Debian, Ubuntu and, to some extent, Mac OS.
> I have spent the last month and a half ( or longer) trying to compile
> and link a program called Elmer FEM. The problem that I keep running
> into is the naming practices in Elmer (and all the documents) vs
> Debian/Ubuntu. Elmer requires the following  libraries:
>  Mumps, MPI, OpenMP, FETI4I as a minimum. Hypre and trilinos have to
> be compiled from source code. The problem is that none if the four
> libraries go under the names mentioned above. By loading everything
> that even came close to the Elmer names I finally got a build that
> failed in the make process (the package uses cmake). The failure is
> due to the missing FETI4I library which have never found.
> What I need is a cross reference between Mumps, MPI, OpenMP and FETI4I
> and the library names in the Debian and Ubuntu repositories.
> Please, please help. Very frustrated.

About all I can do is sympathize -- if the developers of Elmer don't
want to give you hints as to where to get the libraries it depends on,
you're sort of on your own.  Applying my favorite heuristics (packages
for libraries start with "lib", and development packages end in "-dev"),
I was able to find


I also found libopenmpi-dev, which seems to be another implementation of
MPI.  As for openMP and FETI4I -- sorry.

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