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Re: Who is Bringing up My Wireless if?

do you use ebtables? 
You stopped the network managers?


2017. aug. 25. 18:06 ezt írta ("ray" <ray@aarden.us>):
I am trying to bring up a bridge in Debian 9.  I have an Ethernet interface working.  When I attempt to bring up a bridge, it won't come up.  Syslog shows that a wireless interfaces was trying to come up and the bridge failed to come up due to conflicts.  I am familiar with the conflict so I have removed the wlan0 from /etc/network/interfaces and removed the wpa_supplicant.conf.  I have a wireless rename rule.  The syslog shows that the wireless was renamed, and that it tried to bring it or at least invoked the wireless driver.  Then it states the bridge failed to be raised.

I don't know what is causing my wireless to be brought up.  Where might this be happening?


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