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Re: Virtualbox for stretch and buster not in repos

On 08/15/2017 12:37 AM, Mark Fletcher wrote:
On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 01:18:22PM +0200, Sven Hartge wrote:
Robert Menes <viewtiful.icchan@gmail.com> wrote:

Is there a reason why virtualbox hasn't migrated into stretch or
buster yet?

Short Answer: Because of Oracle.

Longer Answer: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=794466

Summary: Virtualbox will at the current state of affairs never be in
Testing or any stable release or stable-backports ever again.

I feel this answer is slightly disingenuous.

Yes it is true the official Debian repo won't contain Virtualbox again
until Oracle make changes they will most likely never make.

But, you can get VirtualBox to work just fine on post-Jessie Debian by
adding the following to your sources.list or sources.list.d:

deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian stretch contrib

(Obviously you wouldn't use stretch, I am on stretch so that is what I

then apt update and bob will be your uncle, and fanny will be your aunt.


I'm using the exact line you quoted (using 'stretch' in the virtualbox line) and it's not complaining at all. Works fine on this end. Also, I put it in a separate file in the sources.list.d but I don't know if that matters?

I use virtualbox for development and testing, so for me it's a must-have. A friend of mine recently moved from hardware servers to Debian Stretch + VirtualBox (I told him how to use the virtualbox.org repo as I too discovered it wasn't in the Debian repo).

I always used the Oracle repo anyway because it was updated more frequently. But I do wish that something could be worked out so that it would be back in Debian.

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