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Installed Stretch, but no command line

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Just finished installing Stretch, using a RAID1, LVM and encryotion
for home (passkey) and .  It is ant the moment a basic installation
with X-server-Xorg, but no DE yet. As part of the boot it accepts my
/home password, but I do not get the command line. I end up with a
blue-grey screen. No input from mouse or keyboard is accepted.  To
close the computer I have to use the power switch.

I can open it in recovery mode, and after I enter the root password I
can get the command line as root. But I don't know what to do next to
effect a rescue.  From the root command line I can however close the
computer properly with "shutdown -h now".

I did notice when the computer was booting normally -- not in rescue
mode -- the following lines loop many times until the computer gives up:

Running /scripts/local-block
Failed to connect to lvmetad
Failed to find logical volume SOL1/swap_crypt

According to several posts on line, this behaviour is a nuisance but
not fatal.  As some people suggested on line I tried to get rid of
this nuisance by changing in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf use_lvmetad=1 to =0,
but to no effect.

If I have to I can live with the nuisance, but I cannot live without
the command line.

Help please, anyone.

Regards, Ken

Version: GnuPG v2


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