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Problem after texlive update

After a recent upgrade of texlive to 2017.20170629-1 on Debian I am
experiencing a problem compiling a longstanding document and I can
replicate the problem with the following code:

\usepackage{fontspec} % Gebruik met xelatex
\usepackage{graphicx} % Gebruik met xelatex
\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX,Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine O}



%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-engine: xetex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End:

results in

ERROR: Undefined control sequence.

--- TeX said ---
\Ginclude@bmp #1->\Gin@log
                           {<#1>}\bgroup \def \@tempa {!}\special
{pdf:image...l.11 \includegraphics{fruits.jpg}

--- HELP ---
TeX encountered an unknown command name. You probably misspelled the
name. If this message occurs when a LaTeX command is being processed,
the command is probably in the wrong place---for example, the error
can be produced by an \item command that's not inside a list-making
environment. The error can also be caused by a missing \documentclass

You can replace "fruit.jpg" with any jpg to replicate the problem.

Any idea what is causing this?


Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

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